Health Equity Scholars Program

Healthcare professionals are increasingly being called on to address the structural determinants of health and the health inequities in our society. However, institutions where healthcare professionals work rarely support capacity building or prioritize health equity and advocacy training in professional development opportunities. There is a real gap in training programs that prepare healthcare professionals to assume future roles as advocates for health equity.


  • –Understand Health Inequities - To educate healthcare professionals to think deeply about the social and systemic factors that create barriers to health and well-being and challenge them to reimagine their professional responsibilities for advancing social justice.

  • –Build Strong Advocates - To build leadership capacity of dynamic mid-career healthcare professionals that serve or advocate for under-resourced or marginalized populations across the U.S.

  • –Networking & Solidarity - To create a network of trained healthcare professionals committed to practice community organizing and advocacy for health equity.

Our Approach


Health Equity Analysis

During the program, scholars will examine numerous health equity topics that underpin the structural barriers to health. Topics will include structural racism, poverty, healthcare policy/access, and environmental justice.


Leadership Development

This program offers an approach to leadership that turns change seekers into change makers. Grounded in a community organizing framework developed by Harvard Kennedy School professor Marshall Ganz, we take a practical approach to engage, develop, and work with people to achieve shared purpose. Our program is specifically adapted for healthcare professionals and their challenges.


Advocacy Action Project

We provide an opportunity for scholars to practice the skills and apply new knowledge to current issues that they are facing within their organizations/community. Program will offer opportunities for intentional peer coaching.

Program Components

The program will employ several components to create a robust learning environment.

Online Launch Workshop

Interactive online workshop (two 3-hour sessions) will allow scholars to connect and create a strong foundation for community, collaboration and learning.

Online Monthly Sessions

As a model online learning community, participants will attend monthly sessions with faculty and peers. The meetings are designed for participants to learn new concepts, reflect on the learning and application of the skills, and coach one another.

Experiential learning

Participants will come into the program with an advocacy project they will work on at their home institution. They will apply the skills that they learn from the program in their current work. Each learning module has a practice-based assignment.


In-person Final Gathering

At the end of the program, we will hold a two day gathering in Cambridge, MA. This gathering will allow scholars to solidify their relationships, celebrate project successes and generate commitment for future action.



The program includes networking opportunities with scholars who share a similar mission, including peer-learning activities with other fellows on health equity projects and leadership issues.